Posted on January 10, 2013 by Michael Glickman | 7 Comments



If you are using an acrylic plaster, you put yourself in the corner: cheap materials dictate low installation prices. But the reality is, that natural plaster requires less working time and you can charge a lot more for installations. I do know that it probably will require working for high end designers, architects and clients. But if you still have just an acrylic plaster portfolio, it is almost impossible  even to enter  the new market…….What is your experience?



Posted in Art Space NYC, Burlap, Fresco, Marmorino, Marmorino Depot, Michael Glickman, plaster, Silver leaf, Venetian plaster. How to apply Venetian plaster

Grand Central 100 years Anniversary


7 Responses

Chris Burke
Chris Burke

January 28, 2013

i started out using lime based 20 yrs ago. still use, but have used many acrylic plasters through the years… no acrylic, can burnish up like a lime, this is why i like it.. i recently did a rolls royce dealership with Marmorino Depot’s marmorino, they love so much; doubled size of job!!

Michael Glickman
Michael Glickman

January 26, 2013

Written by Nora Johnson:

thanks as usual, Michael, for keeping lots of us in the know about new products and tools. Invaluable sharing.
By Nora Johnson

Lesley Anne Kinney
Lesley Anne Kinney

January 13, 2013

Lesley Anne Kinney wrote: The first plaster I ever used was Behr. I was thrilled with it and so was the client. Then I did a Showhouse and used real plaster. It was a revelation! It was so much easier to use and the result (over very badly patched horsehair plaster walls) was stunning!

Jody Chapman
Jody Chapman

January 13, 2013

Jody Chapman wrote: Yes ,thanks to James, Michael, & Leslie……….the discussion took a turn that seemed like real plasters are for snobs & those who can afford it….we were missing the words to describe the differences, and James so true, trowelling is trowelling & that dictates the cost, plus natral waterproof in the material saves waxing & clear coating labor & materials. The experience is an “ahh haa moment.” The beauty and differences are blatently visual…everyone should have this in their portfolio(~:

Louis Triverio
Louis Triverio

January 12, 2013

I recently had a conversation with another venetian plaster contractor. He was surprised to know that I was using lime-based plaster as he felt that in “this economy” it was not cost effective. Kolcaustico is priced on line between $270 to $310 per 5 gal. This is comparable to what I pay for a 5 of lime-based. I guess he shops at the Home Depot. That being said, I’ve been applying venetian plaster and marmorinos in high end homes for over 20 years and have yet to have a designer or homeowner ask for a specific plaster and I’m sure none of them would ever know the difference or care. If they liked an acrylic sample that would be fine with them. A quick price comparison. A 2500 sq. ft job @ $10 a sq. ft.= $25,000. Three 5’s of venetian plaster. $225 acrylic x 3 = $675 or $325 lime-based x 3 = 975. Would you lose a $25,000 job because it was priced $300 higher? Material cost has NEVER been a factor in my bidding.

James Hurley
James Hurley

January 11, 2013

James Hurley wrote:

Even in the most skilled hands Acrylic plaster will never look like the real Marble Venetian. It is like comparing rubber to velvet. The cost of materials should never dictate the desired look one is seeking. The cost in my opinion is in the labor. There is no cost savings in labor when applying Acrylic verses Marble Venetian, as a matter of fact one might save on labor when applying Marble Venetian as it is a much friendlier material to work with, so why not apply the real thing.

January 11, 2013

It’s not black and white there are pros and cons for example acrylic plasters far outstrip the sales of lime. A basic good quality acrylic plaster is formulated with the same materials as Natural and they contain acrylic as well. a good quality acrylic has less than 5% resin as the Italian products do in fact i have seen Italian Venetians with more.
So what are we arguing about really its all in marketing and preconceived ideology of the Green word which due to advances in binders is obsolete as all plasters can be zero voc and non toxic.
I sell both and have no problem one way or the other so from my perspective the only factor that drives me is meeting demand and being ahead of trends not following them

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